我附近的多尼维尔娱乐大麻药房 - 草莓田大麻


通过 I Heart Jane、Leafly 或 Weedmaps

Big building, but tiny retail area. Staff is cool, herb is pretty good.Very impressed with management reply. I definitely want to clarify: The staff provides amazing service in the retail area and it is very well organized. I did not mean to slight it in any way. But the size difference makes me think: Is it like the weed factory scene from Up in Smoke, or is it more like a Weed Williams Sonoma or Weed Wal-Mart? Or is it something I've never even dreamed of? Maybe Oompa Loompas? Aliens? Just really hot people in tight shiny fashion gear grunting as they haul festivus trees?Mind. Boggled.
Eva Flores
Eva Flores
Very nice place good deals.... Would definitely recommend this one
Big Daddy
Big Daddy
Stopped by on my way west. Conveniently right off the highway. It’s a big red building so hard to miss.The staff was nice and they had a great selection and great flower deals if you’re looking to save a couple bucks.Inside is so nice ❤️ it’s all red and warm. Very. Ice and different than other dispensaries in the area. A lot modern than the others. Will be back!
S. Lee K
S. Lee K
Hidden 💎 if youre heading up the montañas or back down to the city. Love the prices of this place. Workers are usually chill too and answer all your questions. Gonna take a trip here soon!
Gigi Smalls
Gigi Smalls
This place is amazing. Tyler and Chuck (just to name a few) are always friendly, polite and super helpful with all the knowledge you would need for a wonderful shopping experience!
Matt T
Matt T
Chuck was awesome. Very knowledgeable and friendly 🙂
Sophie McGuire
Sophie McGuire
Bud tenders rock. Great service and product
Mark Truesdale
Mark Truesdale
Some of the nicest people I’ve worked with in a dispensary. Very helpful, patient, knowledgeable and cool. Will return next time I’m around.
Dillon Pritchett
Dillon Pritchett
I love this dispo!! They are awesome from the name to the product and even the employees. They always have the best deals. I live in summit county and will drive to Dumont just to go to strawberry fields! 🙂
Skimo Sanders
Skimo Sanders
Knowledgeable and observant staff. Saw my hat that indicated I probably qualified for a discount and asked me about it. Took the time to explain to me what is in the different products.
Larry E. Lukehart, Sr.
Larry E. Lukehart, Sr.

Strawberry Fields - 科罗拉多州唐尼维尔 - 休闲大麻药房


欢迎来到我们位于科罗拉多州唐尼维尔的成人娱乐用大麻药房,这是我们在科罗拉多州的 5 家娱乐用大麻商店之一。我们自豪地为 21 岁以上、持有有效身份证件的成年人提供服务。 

来看看我们精心栽培、亲切腌制的大 花蕾。从丹佛出发,沿 I-70 号公路西行,可找到我们的地点、 请务必从 235 号出口驶出,然后继续沿 308 号公路向西行驶约四分之一英里,就会在右侧看到我们的商店。 大约四分之一英里后,就能在右侧看到我们的商店。 


  • 大麻花
  • 浓缩大麻:碎片、蜡和活树脂
  • 大麻 Vape 笔和墨盒 
  • 大麻食品
  • 大麻预卷接头
  • 大麻外用产品
  • 装备与配件
  • CBD 油


别再纠结 "杜蒙特药房离我近吗?"请在下面的地图上查看。


909 County Rd 308
Dumont, CO 80436
Every Day: 8am – 6pm

Doors close at 5:45pm
(720) 379-3672




如果您正在寻找一种全天然的方式来对抗日常生活中的压力,那么为什么不试试大麻药物呢?Strawberry Fields Cannabis是您在科罗拉多州唐尼维尔当地值得信赖的药房商店,提供多种顶级产品供您选择,在放松身心的同时开启您的心智。我们提供各种各样的大麻,包括鲜花、食用大麻和浓缩大麻,以及最新的吸食和吸食配件。我们相信大麻的力量,并很高兴欢迎您加入这个令人兴奋的行业。




在草莓田大麻(Strawberry Fields Cannabis),我们努力为科罗拉多州唐尼维尔的顾客提供卓越的娱乐和医用大麻。您可以在 I70 州际公路旁找到我们的药房,如果您想了解更多有关我们大麻医疗范围的信息,请今天就致电(303) 751-7888 联系我们的团队
